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Devon Welch releases 'Someday' his debut single off the highly anticipated album "Journey to Freedom"

The story of 'Someday' is an honest excerpt of Kāpiti musician Devon Welch's life story turned sonic anthem. Through an unspeakable amount of personal trauma, this is the comeback story!

'Someday's chorus' at first expresses the feeling of not being where we think we ought to be in life and simply retiring to the drinking culture of NZ, after feeling backed into a corner (often by our own minds). It marks the question of "Am I even good enough for (enter personal vision here)...." and the internal battle that can ensue.

The verse then gives you a glimpse into the hard but raw truths of one individual feeling, the push and pull of his thoughts, emotions and surroundings whilst trying to listen to his core intuition guiding him along the way. Before the saxophone signals finding the answer within and bursting forth unto it with foolish abandon.

Devon has found solace and spiritual guidance within his music stating " At one point or another, this was all that made sense in my world." This he hopes - opens a conversation towards internal struggles and dissipates some of the heaviness that can burden souls of today.

With an armada of highly skilled musicians backing his every move, he looks to the bigger stages to find appropriate space for his ever expanding live performances. Currently in the last days of his Boosted Campaign - He invites the public into his personal experience of humanness and asks for their help and support in carrying these messages to those in need.

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'Someday' was released via all streaming platforms on August 14th 2021