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Paris inspires young singer-songwriter IMANI-J's new single

See Thru Time is the second solo single from rising star Imani-J, a young singer/songwriter from Whakatū/Nelson. Produced and co-written by multi-award winning artist Tali, and mixed by Tom Lee from acclaimed drum and bass duo Lee Mvtthews, See Thru Time has a pop and electronica vibe and was inspired by Imani-J’s recent visit to see family in France. 

With a delicate opening of ghostly keys, stuttering pads and subtle beats we follow Imani-J as she walks alone in the winter’s early morning light, taking in historical buildings, market stalls and the first rush of Parisians off to work. 

“I wrote See Thru Time after visiting Paris for the first time in 12 years – the last time I was there I was three years old! Even though I am part French, as well as Haitian and a New Zealander, I felt very much like a tourist in France,” Imani-J says. “See Thru Time was inspired by my experience of Paris as a teenager, and reflects on how different my next visit to the city might be, when I’m a young adult. The song is very personal because it is drawn from my real life experiences and the stage in my life I am currently in, which is discovering who I am and thinking about who I will grow up to be."

2023 was a productive year for Imani-J. She was a 2x national finalist with Play It Strange, in the Youthtown song writing contest with her waiata reo Te Mana, and for the Peace Song competition with her song Peace Inside Your Arms. JOLA BURNS, the pop-electronica duo she formed with her cousin Kahu Sanson-Burnett released their four debut singles Going Up Now, Looking Back at Me, Sixes and Sevens and Arcadia, and performed in front of thousands of people at Nelson’s Opera in the Park. JOLA BURNS has been featured on RNZ’s Music 101 Introducing segment. As a solo artist, Imani-J opened for Hollie Smith in Picton as part of Hollie’s nationwide The Bones tour.

2024 is shaping up to be equally busy, with Imani-J releasing her first independent single North Star in February this year. North Star has already garnered listeners in over 50 countries via Spotify. She has been appointed an ambassador for Play It Strange, a charity that supports young New Zealand songwriters to write, record and perform their own songs. She’ll be further honing her song writing skills as one of only nine young musicians selected for the first week-long songwriting camp run by Big Fan, run by producer and songwriter Joel Little and his wife Gemma.

“It is amazing to have the support from others in the music industry – I’m so grateful for all the opportunities. Working with Tali as a mentor and co-writer on See Thru Time has been absolutely incredible. I’ve learnt so much and I feel so motivated and supported. It is exactly what I need to take me to the next level.”

See Thru Time is released on 10 May 2024 to coincide with New Zealand Music Month. The pre-save link to See Thru Time is available here: