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Taranaki-based artist Karen Clarke Blues Woman drops her latest track “Fine Line”

Slick, kick-ass and triumphant from the get-go “Fine Line” is the first fruit of Karen’s recent collaboration with New Zealand’s premier bluesman Darren Watson as producer.   

“Fine Line” is an important development within Clarke’s catalogue as she reaches further into her rhythm and blues DNA. 

With a confronting level of confessional honesty Karen’s song deals with deeply honest “get over yourself” content in a way that is raw yet optimist, dark yet victorious.  Her well-lived mahogany vocals weave a credible authenticity as the lyric unfurls.  A midpoint fantasy relief breathes the track.

In both mentor and producer roles Darren’s playing and production expertise is obvious in this track which features his tangy electric guitar solos and phat rhythm section grooves. Spirited horns elevate the mood well above anxt.

“Fine Line” has been well received by its pre-release audience.  So much so that Clarke has a second track already underway at Watson’s Wellington-based Lamington Recording studio.  


Fine Line by Karen Clarke

·     Lead vocal – Karen Clarke

·     All instruments and backing vocals performed by Darren Watson

·     Engineered and mixed by Darren Watson at Lamington Recording, Pōneke

·     Lead vocal recorded by Chris Foreman at Swampshack Studios, Taranaki

·     Produced by Darren Watson

·     Mastered by Mike Gibson at Munki Studios, Kāpiti