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ASHY signs Worldwide Co-Management Deal

An incredibly successful SXSW experience for ASHY was sealed with the signing of a co-management deal between herself and the much-respected boutique US management company, Arcana Management. 

This worldwide deal is already set to firmly establish ASHY in international markets and continue to build upon the foundation that Ashy has set for herself alongside her manager Cary Caldwell of the 212 Music Group. 

Arcana CEO, Honora McCormack says, "As someone that has been working in the dance music realm for some time now, I am thrilled at the opportunity to work with a powerful force like ASHY in the world of pop music."
SXSW saw Ashy and her new backing band, Emily C. Browning and Phoebe Hurst, perform 8 shows during the event. These performances have led to talks with US & EU industry which will ultimately lead to substantial international opportunities.