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Emerging artists looking to enhance their knowledge and take their music career to new heights can now apply for the "LEVEL UP" comprehensive one day workshop in Lincoln.

This workshop is designed to provide participants with the tools they need to up-skill and succeed in the competitive music industry. Led by Artist Development consultant Katie Thompson, "LEVEL UP" will offer ten participants the opportunity to take part in a one day workshop and meet fellow musicians in the region.

The workshop will cover a range of essential topics, including Goal Setting, Music Industry Insights, Image & Branding, Funding Options & Single Release Checklist.

The "LEVEL UP" programme is for artists who demonstrate talent and are currently working towards releasing original music.

Participants will benefit from the opportunity to gain insights into the music industry from a seasoned professional, receive feedback on their progress and set actionable goals for their future.

"The workshop is designed to help emerging artists develop their skills, gain knowledge and confidence," said Thompson. "I'm excited to be leading this programme for my community."

This workshop costs $29 and was made with the support of the Selwyn District Councils Creative Communities fund.

Applications for Level Up open on 1 December and close on 7 January. The workshop will be held at Lincoln Event Centre Saturday 20 January.

For more information and to apply, visit