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Confidence, Self expression, SPELL IT! SKRAM release - ‘Serendripity’ Single.

SERENDRIPITY is a vibrant and energetic track by Wellington-based Pop group SKRAM that celebrates uniqueness and self-expression. It is produced and mixed by JAN and mastered by LUKE FINLAY at PRIMAL MASTERING.

Serendripity, or 'serendipitous drip,' is the idea of wearing whatever you want, feeling safe and confident when venturing into the world. The act of wearing what you want, the "drip," becomes a medium through which you express your unique identity and personality. Serendripity celebrates the freedom to make choices based on your own tastes, rather than conforming to societal expectations or trends.


“The first time I put bright sparkly blue eyeliner on I had a war with myself, loving the way I looked but also being terrified of how others would judge me as a man wearing makeup”, says lead singer Henry Ashby,

“As I started to put myself out there more and explore my feminine side, I found I became more confident with my chaotic style, and I began to feel more comfortable actually expressing myself”
“Serendripity is a call out to people to help others feel like they can be whoever they want to be and wear anything they think is cool, even if it’s insane”

SKRAM consists of Henry Ashby, Felix Nesbitt, Tane Butler and performing member Ruby Fraser. With a combination of emphatic vocals, dynamic rhythms and memorable melodies, Skram brings crowd-pleasing energy to the stage and their music. Having had a successful debut album release in their first year, and sold out tour shows, with an exciting festival laden summer ahead - you definitely want to stay up-to-date with SKRAM!