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Chur Da boys unveil their groundbreaking Te Reo waiata ‘Taku Whenua’ celebrating their mana for Aotearoa

Tamaki Makaurau has a rising musical trio. Chur Da Boys proudly present their latest masterpiece, ‘Taku Whenua’, marking a significant milestone in their journey. This culturally rich and vibrant single, sung entirely in Te Reo Māori, is a heartfelt tribute to Aotearoa and the deep rooted connection that each member has with their tipuna and those that walked on our whenua before them.

‘Taku Whenua’ is the third single the band has launched and the first of many Te Reo waiata, as it signifies Chur Da Boys and their commitment to our indigenous language. This release follows their previous chart topping single ‘Anthem’ hitting no# 12 on the New Zealand Hot Single Charts. In addition to the Te Reo version, Chur Da Boys are excited to announce the simultaneous release of an English version titled ‘My Whenua’. The bilingual approach aims to bridge cultures, enabling a wider audience to appreciate the beauty and significance of the lyrics while honouring the depth of the Māori language.

In a statement the group expressed their enthusiasm about the release stating “‘Taku Whenua’ is a labour of love for us. Its a way of paying homage to the land that has given us so much. We wanted to create something that resonates with the hearts of tangata whenua and people around the world, fostering a sense of pride and connection to Aotearoa”.

Chur Da Boys invite music enthusiasts, cultural enthusiasts and everyone in between to immerse themselves in the melodies and powerful lyrics of ‘Taku Whenua’ and ‘My Whenua’. These singles are not just songs; they are a celebration of identity, culture and the beauty of New Zealand.

Both songs are available for streaming and download on all major platforms starting 03/11/2023.
For more information about Chur Da Boys and their music, please visit or follow them on social media platforms @churdaboys