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Judi Cranston’s Happy Minds project – perfect for these challenging times!

Judi Cranston, award winning children’s composer, music educator and director of kindyRock is about to release three affirmation videos for children with support from NZ on Air. These will be out just in time for Mental Health Awareness week (27 September – 1 October). The songs are all from her Album “Amazing Affirmations for Kids”; are fun and encouraging and are very fitting for 4 – 8 year olds.

Entitled I Can Be Anything, Step Right In and Put it in my Head these videos remind children that they can be whatever they want to be, and that they can choose how they respond to the world around them – with a smile or with a frown. The timing of this release is also perfect in these challenging times of Covid-19 when children can become very anxious and fearful.

The videos in the ‘Happy Minds Project’ feature a talented group of children singing along with Judi to reinforce these important messages. ‘Step Right In’ also includes Claymation created by Dunedin’s Parry Jones, who has worked on a number of Judi’s videos in the past plus a cameo appearance from Judi’s 85 year old father, Bob Thomas who joined in “just for fun!”

Judi is passionate about using music because “Not only does it help us feel good, it also enhances our learning, creates stronger brain connections, improves our emotional intelligence and has an enormous power to heal” says Judi. “By singing the messages children will retain the information better than just being told about it”. Think of a 96 year old who can remember all the words to songs from their youth, but can’t quite remember our names!

The videos will be premiered on Wednesdays 8th, 15th and 22nd of September on and include a resource pack for teachers and parents wanting to use the songs.

If Covid-19 levels allow, the Happy Minds project will be wrapped up with a celebration event at Orere Primary School, close to Judi’s home in Kawakawa Bay, Auckland on Thursday 30 September. All but one of the Happy Minds stars attends this school and were excited to be involved in this project which was filmed in the school’s  beautiful sensory garden that the children along with their teachers helped to create in 2021.

Find out more about Judi Cranston and kindyRock, her well-loved brand of kids music at