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The Music Managers Forum Aotearoa are pleased to announce the June Members Hangout.  These hangouts are more intimate on-line sessions, held via Zoom for 10 to 15 MMF members.  This allows for a more intimate group learning environment where our members can be upskilled in important areas of music management.


David R PR pic 2017.JPG

The Hangout for June is:

NZ on Air – with David Ridler Head of Music

David has been the Head of Music at NZ On Air since 2016. He has also previously worked at NZ On Air as  a radio promotions NZ music ‘plugger’ in the early 2000s, and Assistant NZ Music Manager from 2008-2012. David has also had a career in radio programming and operations, with stints at radio stations as varied as Radio Hauraki, More FM, Radio Active, Classic Hits and Channel Z.

In this session David can talk you through all the music funding is available via NZ on Air (New Music Single, New Music Project, New Music Development, Waiata Takitahi, New Music Pasifika, New Music Kids)  along with New Tracks, Radio Plugging, Pitching to Spotify and Apple Music.


Date:                Monday 21st June

Time:               6.00pm – 7.00pm

RSVP:               For MMF members only

                        Limited to 10 – 15 places, but if there is demand we will schedule a second session

Due to the limited places please note if you RSVP and then fail to attend the session without notifying us, you will not be eligible for future sessions.