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MMF March Members Hangout

The Music Managers Forum Aotearoa are pleased to announce the March Members Hangout.  These hangouts are more intimate on-line sessions, held via Zoom for 10 to 15 MMF members.  This allows for a more intimate group learning environment where our members can be upskilled in important areas of music management.


The Hangout for March is:

Victoria Kelly IMG_6133-reduced.jpg

APRA AMCOS with Victoria Kelly  - Director of Members Services NZ

In this session Victoria will talk about what APRA AMCOS does; explains what copyright is; the various methods of song splits; venue, gig, touring and festival music licensing,;what mechanical rights are and much more!   

Date: Tuesday 9th March

Time: 6.00pm – 7.00pm

RSVP: For MMF members only Limited to 10 – 15 places, but if there is demand we will schedule a second session