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Introducing MARY., the dreamy alter-ego of musician and songwriter Stef T. The self-produced, all-woman debut track, ‘Day to Day’, interlaces elements of electro-pop and r&b with a voice that enchants, along with an official video filmed, edited and directed by David Risdon and Charlie Rose Creative.

Reading like a page in a diary, ‘Day to Day’ offers a candid and emotionally raw glance at being overlooked as a woman in a man’s world. She is put together, glamorous and poised on the outside, but on the inside she is simmering like a pot ready to boil over, fed-up and on the brink of snapping.

Speaking of the track, Stef T explains, “’Day to Day’ is a reflection on what it is to be a woman in a role where you are always unseen; constantly giving yet never receiving. As woman, we are often undervalued for our day to day work in all aspects - as mothers, in relationships, in our careers; having to push extra hard to get the basic recognition & thanks that we are entitled to.

This song is a commentary of a large part of my life where I settled, sacrificed and worked, only to be used and taken for granted. It is about learning to survive a toxic relationship, discover your own individual worth again and reclaim the power that you gave away to someone else.

Producing this song myself is the only thing that made sense in context with the intention of MARY. as a project. She is an entirely self made, independent woman, who does it all and doesn't need a man to confirm that she's doing a good job. This is something I have personally struggled with, so I created the MARY. persona to feel more empowered in my storytelling as an artist, in an industry without a large visible number of female-identifying producers.”

Naturally drawn to creating spacious and ethereal electro music that still maintains a hard edge allows MARY to keep conversational and raw lyrical content at the very heart of what she does, and this is just the opening chapter to her story, with more to come throughout 2021.