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Ōtautahi-based Loopy Tunes Music release new music videos

Sister duo, Leah and Siu, of Loopy Tunes Music, rounded off November by releasing two music videos for their waiata, “Ngā Kaitiaki o Papatūānuku” and "Guardians of Papatūānuku". One reo Māori version, and one reo rua version - both waiata released in September, this year. The August lockdown delayed the initial date booked for filming and post-lockdown commitments further delayed production, but they persevered and are excited to finally share them with the world!

The duo collaborated with Ana Faau, a local kaihaka expert and kaiwaiata, who co-wrote the song, with Siu. Produced by another Christchurch local, Thom O'Connor, the waiata features a beautiful taonga puoro soundscape, provided by talented Wellington-based musician and writer, Ruby Solly. The music videos are produced by Luke Siaki of Lasskohl Visuals Ltd, a Christchurch-based videographer, and directed by Siu.

Both music videos follow the three wāhine in three different taiao settings (he maunga, he ngahere, he wai) with their tamariki, showing and teaching them how to embrace their surroundings, eventually leaving them to continue this role on their own, as we watch them pass this on to other tamariki. "Ngā Kaitiaki o Papatūānuku" and "Guardians of Papatūānuku" are two waiata that will resonate with all and will inspire a sense of pride and environmental justice for our beautiful whenua, to all who hear it. We can be, and all are, the kaitiaki of Aotearoa.

Siu and Leah want to thank NZ on Air Music for the funding they received that made this whole project possible. Listen, share and immerse yourself in these beautiful music videos. Check them out on Loopy Tunes' YouTube channel.