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The long-awaited and highly anticipated EP Recovery Pt. 2 is finally on its way for release on February 4th, 2022 and the first single ‘I Got Mine” is out this Friday, December 17th 2021.

Written in 2018 by Arjuna Oakes at the age of 19, ‘I Got Mine’ is on the surface a classic soul song with clever use of subverted tropes, modern musical elements and an acute awareness about Arjuna’s own personal struggles with identity and global problems such as climate change and social media-induced anxiety. Backed by a bouncing and infectiously groovy performance by Arjuna and his band, the song never feels heavy-handed with its themes and is sure to elicit an enjoyable surface-level response, as well as a thought-provoking experience for the listener.

EP:  Recovery Pt. 2

‘Recovery Pt. 2 is the highly anticipated follow up to Arjuna Oake’s 2020 EP Recovery Pt. 1. Recorded at the same sessions as Recovery Pt. 1 back in February of 2020, Recovery Pt. 2 continues delving into the same themes such as climate change, identity and the journey of healing, which are all themes that seem more timely today than when these songs were recorded. Largely performed live in studio by Arjuna and his band of talented young musicians, these songs are exploding with an intense youthful energy and feature a unique mix of creative songwriting and explorative improvisation. Recovery Pt. 2 provides an exciting climax to the themes and musical ideas introduced in  Recovery Pt. 1 and solidifies both records as an important piece in Arjuna’s discography.


About Arjuna 

Arjuna Oakes is a singer-songwriter and producer based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa (Wellington, New Zealand). Following the release of his debut EP The Watcher in 2019, Arjuna has released another two projects both to widespread acclaim, 2020’s Recovery Pt. 1 and 2021’s First Nights. The latter is a collaboration with longtime friend and co-producer Serebii, released by LA-based record label Innovative Leisure (Badbadnotgood, Bambii). First Nights debuted at #5 on KCRW’s Top 30 Albums chart and has had extensive play on BBC6 and BBC1xtra.