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Royalty Reads Kiwi Written Picture Book, Angel Star.

“What a beautiful, beautiful book.” Those were the words of Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York after reading kiwi written children’s picture book Angel Star to her tens of thousands of YouTube followers.

Written originally as a song by Tui Nominated children’s songwriter Chris Sanders in 2016, and then turned into a book illustrated by Kat Merewether the book has become a popular story with children and parents alike.

Based on a true story of Chris’ eldest daughters wish for a baby brother or sister, Angel Star is the story of a young girl who one night picks the brightest star in the sky, a star she has chosen to be her new sibling. She then sets about helping the star on its adventurous journey, down mountains, through valleys, over roads and finally to her home and part of her loving family.

“It was quite a surprise to get an email from the Duchesses office telling me that she was reading my story – what an endorsement!” says Sanders.

The Duchess of York started her daily show ‘Storytime with Fergie and Friends’ on YouTube to keep young ones entertained during the lockdown period.

And her reading of Angel Star has already clocked up more than 40,000 views in just a few days.

The song was also a big hit with children reaching #1 across iTunes when it originally launched and kiwi kids even created their own hand actions to the chorus of the song. 

Angel Star is a story that puts your older child in the decision process of choosing a new baby to add to the family.  It makes them an integral part of the story, the one who picks, beckons and delivers the new baby to your family.  A big and exciting responsibility! 

And Chris says, “I remember vividly when my eldest daughter was around 2 at the time, she picked a star in the sky and said she wanted it to be her brother or sister. I thought it was so cute and decided I would write a song about it – oh and she got her wish in the end, a baby sister!”