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The follow up from his debut release, ‘Infinity and Beyond’ counteracts social human nature and pulls no punches. Exported to the world on Sep 25th this record has already been making waves in the lives of those who know this mamae/pain. Reaching out to the heart directly on behalf of the soul, it encapsulates the experience of trauma surrounding loss via suicide. The very word makes most want to turn away, whereas Devon turns to face it head on, for all of us.

Inspired by his late friend Daniel Ginty, he wrote this song the week of his best friends passing before playing it at his tangi/funeral, his hardest gig to date. Starting as a purely acoustic number which then evolved very quickly in a band setting, he then enlisted the help of the supreme Bryn Van Vliet- who arranged an awe inspiring 3 piece horn section and hair raising string quartet to bring us out of our mind and into our emotional centres (a true work of art Bryn).

Diving deep into the core of an issue faced globally and here on our very own front door step, it was not a decision but an anguished stroke of destiny that brought this forward into the physical world. It serves those who have felt this hit close to home, a sense of relief. Creating a safe place to take time to feel those feelings and release it bit by bit over time, from the confines of a broken heart.

You can almost hear the wailing of a human voice in the guitar solo (Jules Blewman) whilst the rhythm section represents the sheer willpower it takes to continue on after a life shattering event like this (Luther Hunt- Drums and Harrison Scholes on bass) with all it’s pushes and pauses.

This piece serves many, on many different levels- But as a parting statement reinforces that we are not promised tomorrow and that it is in our best interests to celebrate and vocalise our love for one another in the here and now, whilst we are able to hear it back.

“If you are feeling down or depressed, talk to someone in your inner circle- or even some one completely impartial if that’s more comfortable. There is some amazing support available. I’ve been to counsellors and clinical psychologists. There’s no shame in feeling like your drowning it happens to lots of us. Things can always get better, start by speaking up.” - Devon Welch