MusicHelps and the New Zealand Music Managers Forum present
Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin
Health and wellbeing are fundamental to music-making at all levels, but also across all areas of the industry – management, production, crew. And many in the music industry in New Zealand do not feel equipped or trained when it comes to wellbeing issues.
The key aims of the session is to improve the mental health and wellbeing literacy of music managers and self managed artists, to empower our community to better monitor themselves and to reach out and give practical support to those around them, and to impart a greater understanding of the framework of assistance and support that exists for people experiencing mental health and wellbeing issues.
Experienced MusicHelps counsellor and registered psychologist Grant Gunning will run the seminars and the key topics will be:
Identifying support networks for artists and managers – key relationships, support people and value/qualities each represents or provides
Understand group dynamics – normalising the ups and downs of bands/creative projects and the life-cycle of groups
Recognising indicators of concern – recognising when mental/emotional life or wellbeing is suffering in managers and artists and how to articulate this
Protective factors: what are the risks and how can protective measures be put in place
Mental health and wellbeing support in the NZ health system: what happens if you or your client engages with the NZ health system
Locating resources and avenues of assistance– where to go, who to call, avenues of support and intervention.
Tues 19 March
The Bank Space, Grey Lynn
Tuesday 26 March
Distinction Hotel, Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Wed 27 March
Dunedin Public Library, 230 Moray Place, Dunedin
Thanks to a Recorded Music NZ Music Grant, the Health Promotion Agency, the NZ Music Managers Forum and MusicHelps, these seminars are FREE and open to all. RSVP is essential to secure your seat.
And please specify which city you will be attending