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The Noisefloor release the first video from the epic "Tavern Of Power Project"

Late last year Matthew Crawley and Nicholas Harrison announced they were closing down their much loved bar, The Golden Dawn: Tavern Of Power. However, they couldn’t go out without a bang; an epic summer programmed with their favourite artists, DJs and events. 69 nights of the best talent around.

So much more than a bar The Golden Dawn: Tavern Of Power is an important community space.  Originally intended as simply a Ponsonby pop-up the venue soon took on a more noteworthy role. It is the spiritual home to a multitude of musicians, artists, professionals and other creatives. A much loved performance space of both indie and mainstream artists. The audience a unique intersection of urban professionals and fringe bohemians. It is vital jewel in the Auckland nightlife crown… and it always sounds great!

It was with all this in mind that long time sound engineer Bob Frisbee and had an idea: The Tavern Of Power Project - he and the team at The Noisefloor would multi-track record and multi-camera film every single performance in the venue’s final three months. All 69 shows!!

The aim of the project is to capture a complete snapshot of a significant cultural hub. One that’s been a incubator and showcase for many upcoming and major artists over the last seven years. To capture both the performances and the atmosphere.

The project is intended as both an archive and a celebration; of the venue’s diversity, inclusivity and above all the exceptional music that graced it’s tiny stage.  There will be a vast pool of all types footage filmed over the 3 months; from the base crew of camera people and guest shooters who have a long association with the venue and the performers. It is firmly impressed upon all camera people that they are to maintain a low key presence.. not be in the face of patrons or performers and to not interfere with the special Golden Dawn vibe.

The epic lineup of final shows includes: Nadia Reid, Samuel Flynn Scott & Luke Buda (Phoenix Foundation), Lawrence Arabia, Tiny Ruins, The Beths, Surfing USSR, Tyra And The Tornados, Slumbug, Shoddy, Sal Valentine And The Babyshakes, Magic Factory, Wax Chattels, Womb, Best Bets, Emily Edrosa, The Situations, Voom, Shaft, Jonathan Besser And The Zestnicks, Suren Unka, Heavy, Dbldbl, Coco Solid, Water, Sea Views, The Groove Sessions, Bonaparte, GAMER, The Sandy Mill Band, Francois, The Atlas Mountains, Hopetoun Brown, Peter Baecker, Trip Pony, Skilaa, Echo Oh’s, Centre Negative, File Folder, LA Suffocated, Flying So High-Os, Soccer Practise, Lisa Crawley, Boycrush, Audrey’s Dance, Spring Break, Guardian Singles, The Ruby Suns, Tono, Randa, Caitlin Smith, The Big Flip Massive, Carb On Carb, Being, The Circling Sun, Herriot Row, Spanner, Fabulous Arabia, Delaney Davidson, Jebu Pleasure Club, Ruckus, Orchestra Of Spheres, New Farben, Dateline, Polyester.


The results so far have been amazing and The Noisefloor is kicking the project off with a teaser video on their website, which provides a taste of what is to come. There are lot’s of exciting ideas in the works...announcements soon.


“Some nights at Golden Dawn you just knew..  this was the best thing happening in the world right now.”

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