Dave Dobbyn’s (Lorraine Barry) ‘Welcome Home’, one of New Zealand's most loved songs, has beenre released in te reotoday, to coincide with Māori Language Week.
Often described as ‘the unofficial anthem’, the song has been translated by Te Haumihiata Mason as ‘Nau Mai Rā’. This new version was recorded with backing vocals from Maimoa, who’s Maori TV show ‘Voices Of Our Future’ sets out through music to re-‐engage youth in the Māori language.
Dobbyn had no hesitation in embracing the collaboration. “Once I read TeHaumihiata Mason’s te reo translation, and her re-‐translation back into English, Iwas moved by the result. It’s such an honour to sing in te reo, a naturally poetictongue.
“It’s quite a challenge, but Te Hau is a great teacher and I was charmed by both her coaching and support from Maimoa . I’m proud of our teamwork . I don't have anyexcuses now, for not immersing myself in the language. It’s like learning to play anew instrument.”