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In an effort to bring New Zealander's together over the summer, the husband and wife duo ‘Aro’ are heading to campgrounds around the Coromandel Peninsular, as well as Ruakaka for New Years to share their music with the summer campers.

In the spirit of community and summer vibes, the pair contacted campgrounds and invited them to be part of an exchange, where the duo get a few nights of accommodation in return for a pop up gig at the campgrounds. “We were stoked with the response we had from these campgrounds and have booked in the first leg of our tour!”

Following on from pre-Christmas shows, Aro are stepping into full time music with gusto. “For us it’s all about connecting with people, sharing and hearing stories. What better a place to get to know people than at a campground around the BBQ, with a bit of live music! We can’t wit!”