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Melanie Calvesbert


Soundcheck Aotearoa

Mel was born, grew up and lives in Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington). She is Pākehā and in October 2022, made the leap to self employment. The primary focus of her work is working alongside communities and organisations as they seek to both respond well and prevent all forms of sexual harm including sexual harassment in workplaces and child sexual abuse.

More recently, Mel has become the Sexual Harm Prevention & Response Advisor (SHAPRA) for the Music Industry.

Mel worked at the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) up until October 2022. Initially this was as one of their team of regionally based Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Advisors (SAPRAs) and then as the Manager for the SAPRAs.

Prior to the NZDF Mel worked for the most part in NGOs who have a focus on the response to sexual harm, including WellStop and the Wellington Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation.

She enjoys being able to take prior learning and adapt that in order to be able to support organisations which have taken on the challenge of creating safer and respectful environments.