Ninakaye has managed her younger brother, high-profile artist and producer Tiki Taane, as well as his companies, trust, and record label since 2007. She mentors managers and artists via the Music Managers Forum Aotearoa and as a founding member of the Māori Music Managers Development Initiative. Ninakaye is an executive member of the Māori Music Industry Coalition, and is hugely proactive about creating positive change within the Aotearoa Music Industry and community.
Outside of the music industry, Ninakaye is one of only three certified Kemetic Yoga instructors in Aotearoa. With an extensive wealth of experience and qualifications across the Public Health, Event Management, Film & TV and Fitness industry’s, it is her colourful personal life’s journey that she credits as her most profound school of knowledge and learning. A resilient mother and grandmother, as well as a recovered stripper and drug / alcohol addict, her huge passion for life, love, people and community wellbeing is both undeniable and contagious.