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The New Zealand Music Community Wellbeing Survey

The New Zealand Music Foundation is conducting a landmark study into the health and wellbeing of people working and volunteering in music in New Zealand.

People who are involved in any music-related discipline either full time, part time or on a volunteer basis can complete the survey. This includes composers and performers, artist managers, roadies, sound and lighting engineers, technicians, stage crew, drivers, promoters, record company personnel, choir and orchestra members and more. The charity is hoping to receive responses from people involved in all genres of music, from pop, jazz, classical, punk, urban, folk, hip hop and others. The survey is completely confidential and participants are not required to identify themselves to take part.

The New Zealand Music Community Wellbeing Survey is an online study that will take participants between five and seven minutes to complete. It asks questions about the nature of their involvement in music, the kinds of stresses and issues they encounter and asks their opinion on support initiatives that may make a difference to them.

The link to the survey is It will remain open until midnight on Sunday 31 July andthe MMF urge all our members and their bands and crew to take part.  Feel free to pass on the survey to all and everyone in the industry.   

The survey follows on from a recent similar study in Australia which found that entertainment workers in general experienced suicide ideation at levels 5-7 times higher than the general population, that levels of moderate to severe anxiety symptoms are 10 times higher and that levels of depression symptoms are five times higher.